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Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-03-08  |  67KB  |  330x237  |  8-bit (202 colors)
Labels: bulletin board | reckoner | sky | vegetarianism
OCR: FINANCIAL STOCKS ON THE REBOUND The stocks below, ranked by analysts estimates of their to tal returns next year, are the hardiest and fastest t-growing companies in six sectors of the financial services industry. All trade on the New YOTK Stock Exchange. Price/earnings ratios are based on analysts estimates of 1991 profits. Recent Target PSI price Prrr Dreyfus $28 75 $45 12.0 1.8% Goldon Wes Financial 24.50 37 0.7 Fannie 33.50 45 6.6 2.6 J.P. Morgan 43.75 55 4.2 Edwards 20.00 25 3.4 International LGrour 76.25 95 10.3 0.6 vear erowine York Curren Jnancia Farnie Morgar